Listen to Mrs. Tracy Fettinger’s journey to health and wellness. [...]
Dr. Sheila Sapp of “Sheila E. Cares Educational Consulting and Services”, talks about the benefits and challenges during a time of [...]
Sheila Sapp of “Sheila E. Cares” talks about expectations and provides her thoughts on how expectations can sometimes limit growth and [...]
Dr. Sheila Sapp of “Sheila E. Cares” talks about recent loss of a longtime friend and former colleague and encourages acting [...]
Dr. Sheila Sapp of Sheila E. Cares talks briefly about what being a role model entails. Additionally, interested listeners may receive [...]
Dr. Sheila Sapp of Sheila E. Cares talks about Black History month and offers a challenge to listeners. [...]
Sheila Sapp of “Sheila E. Cares” presents Part 2 of her three part mini series, “Being an Anchor for Children and [...]
Sheila E. Cares briefly discusses, shares, and provides simple tips on how to be a strong anchor for children in a [...]
Sheila E. Cares! Suggested tips to help you keep your New Year’s Resolution (s). [...]