Can Baby Boomers Bloom?

I was surfing on the internet yesterday and decided to Google questions and articles related to baby boomers. I decided to read and find out about challenges we, yes I’m a baby boomer, face in this world today. Honestly, I must admit I had some challenges and adjustments to make during this new journey. I was so focused on my career as an educator that I really didn’t think about how my life would change. It took five years to decide to retire. The last three years of my professional career took a toll on my body and overall well-being. I kept a lot of things inside and only shared my feelings with daughter and husband. Then one morning after much praying and thinking while preparing for work, it came to me-I can do this no longer.

This coming June 2024 will be my seventh year as a retired educator and person. How would I answer the question asked in the title of this brief blog message? My answer is yes. Of course there are challenges, adjustments, and things you must accept that are beyond your control. I plan to share my experiences-both good and bad. Also, tips and suggestions will be provided to assist you in blooming as a baby boomer. If you have any suggestions or thoughts to share, don’t hesitate to respond via a comment post. You are not alone. Together we can fertilize our soil with life giving thoughts, strategies, prayers, and words of encouragement during this journey. I choose to bloom where placed in life. Are you interested in joining me?

Blooming baby boomer,


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